Saturday, May 7, 2011

HAPPY EASTER: My First Sisterlock Accessory and My First Garden!!

So, first and foremost, I must say Happy Easter!!!  What a beautiful day it has been to celebrate the Ressurection of Our Lord and Savior!  I must send a shout out to Bloomfield Church's dancers, they were great!!!

After church I came home and cooked dinner and subconsciously I wandered to the computer and have been sitting here for about an hour.  Can you guess what I've been doing????  YOU GOT IT!!  Looking at Sisterlocks, lol.  I am so ready for my installation day until my sleep has been disturbed for about a week!! 

So, I'm still rocking the cornrows and the afro puff.  I had it re-done Saturday and my test locks are still somewhere in this mass of part nappy, part straight hair.  This was the first day at church with this new due and I received a couple of compliments.  Randi (a woman), was walking towards me as I was entering church and she said, "Girl, I loveeeee your hair.  You should wear it like that more often."  I was stunned.  Although I think it's cute, I wasn't sure how others would react.  I gave her a "thanks girl" and kept it moving.  Another sisterfriend at church, Tamara (who has been natural for quite a while) looked back at me and smiled and gave me the Black Power salute (fist pumped in the air) lol.  I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not at first, but from the smile on her face I could tell she was pleased. 

On to the first Sisterlocks hair accesory, that is not so much a

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